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The importance of loading speed in your digital marketing strategy

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  • The importance of loading speed in your digital marketing strategy

    The loading speed of a web page is an aspect that brands and marketing professionals tend to forget, quite mistakenly, since this factor is decisive when it comes to obtaining benefits from a digital marketing strategy . Users are increasingly asking for more from brands, as well as from the web pages that represent them, and their expectation is that when they click on a website it loads instantly. The fact that a page takes time to load not only significantly increases the bounce rate , but also negatively influences the conversions that are obtained. Let's delve a little more into what aspects it harms: conversion rate The raison d'ĂȘtre of every company is to obtain benefits.

    based on their activity and objectives , and their online marketing strategy measures them according to the conversions they obtain (these do not only reflect sales , a conversion can also be a reservation or subscription to a newsletter). The main objective of any digital marketing strategy is to convert visits into Kuwait Email List customers , and for this you not only have to provide something that they want, but also take care of the web design , as well as the visual elements with calls to action. , and the same goes for navigation, the faster and easier it is, the higher the conversion rate will be . Studies state that just 1 second of loading delay can affect conversion by 7%, a figure that rises to 27% in the case of mobile browsing.

    Return of investment The ROI or return on investment is one of the decisive factors when making company decisions, since it indicates whether a project will obtain benefits or not . Amazon estimates that 1 second of loading delay would result in lost sales of up to $1.6 billion annually . For its part, Google has verified that slowing down the loading speed by just four tenths of a second is reflected in a decrease of 8 million searches . SEO In 2010, Google announced that a website with a slow loading speed would suffer from its position in the search rankings since this fact helps to position a website in the first positions of results, as well as increase traffic. How it influences the mobile Consumption habits have changed and users have come to carry out their Internet searches mostly from their mobile phones , so paying attention to the loading speed on these devices is essential in their purchase decision.