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5 search trends that will impact 2016

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  • 5 search trends that will impact 2016

    During 2015 there were several important changes in the world of content marketing and search. It has changed one's landscape from producing content for the sake of it to using search and social data to create content . This will be essential to improve engagement with brands and help your content attract the desired audience.

    [Tweet “In 2016 there will be trends in #search that will impact revenue; here we tell you which ones”]

    Although content plays a central role in achieving conversions, the importance of the technical in search optimization should not be left aside.

    Search trends to pay attention to
    The maturation of the industry has impacted the way brands need to approach making their content stand out. Below we mention 5 search trends to pay attention to as they will impact revenue in 2016.

    Mobile apps will need to be optimized
    Mobile apps will become a significant factor for search and for a brand to stand out in 2016.

    Already in mobile searches surpassed desktop searches and the use of mobile apps has grown, so they will become essential to the user experience .

    Simply put, recent statistics indicate that more than 50% of time spent on digital media is consumed in mobile apps . To keep consumers interested, apps need to be optimized.

    Structured data will become more important
    In 2015, Google announced the use of its new system , Rank Brain . This artificial intelligence technology has been designed to better understand search intent.

    Google stated that it has been very useful when the Email Data search engine finds a request for information never made before . Additionally, it has become more prominent in the order of results, with the search giant claiming that it has become the third most important signal in its algorithm.

    With this, it can be deduced that Artificial Intelligence will become a more significant factor in 2016 and years to come. As Google and other search engines incorporate this type of tool, they can develop an intelligent algorithm that can learn from what consumers are searching for and maximize their user experience by showing them the best possible sites.

    Brands, then, need to focus on structured data . This data helps sites communicate with search engines by describing exactly what is on a page instead of letting the search engine interpret it. Using sites like , as well as Google Webmaster Tools, brands must ensure that markup is used correctly.

    Site design will be more meaningful
    Brands also need to better focus on improving engagement to keep users engaged and returning to the site to ultimately convert.

    Site features, such as its design , will become an important part of rising above the noise in the battle for the best content. When customers have trouble finding what they are looking for on a site, they are sure to return to the search results. 50% of potential sales are lost because customers cannot find what they are looking for. Thus, brands must ensure that their site is easy to navigate.