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  • Plane more understandable to people

    Dewey almost got the job done, the book was created, the story was about a couple who didn't have the opportunity to be together. The problems were in the strange names of the characters and in some other details. But these are only the initial steps to the top of technology. AI is capable of playing chess AI Deep Blue in the first match lost to Garry Kasparov with a score of 2-4, and in the second - won with a score of 3.5-2.5. And the new AlphaZero system, before the tournament, had knowledge of how the pieces move and what the goal of the game is, while after 4 hours it has already won a victory over the best chess program, over Stockfish 8. AlphaZero had the ability to process.

    Positions per second, if you translate this into a, then this is comparable to playing chess with a total complexity of 1400 years. It was an absolute victory among computers in chess. AlphaZero did not stop there, and soon defeated the ELMO program, which used to be considered the undisputed Buy Cell Phone Number List champion in the game of shogi (a strategy board game from Japan). Python environment variables: types and uses Read also Python environment variables: types and uses More AI in medicine This industry is no exception, and not so long ago in China there was a unique case - the Xiaoyi intelligent robot passed all the exams and became a qualified medical.

    Specialist, with a license and permission to practice. The development of iFlytek is also unique, because it is capable of analyzing all information about the patient, acting as a doctor-assistant, to improve the quality of work of real doctors. The development is planned to be introduced as general practitioners in remote villages in China, where such a service is urgently needed by people. Another worthwhile project is the Wave Clinical Platform from ExcelMedical.